Microsoft now officially owns GitHub, a reminder of how much the company has changed |
satyan @ Redmond: ~ / src $ git checkout -b Microsoft-Acquisition
Switch to a new branch 'Microsoft-Acquisition'
satyan @ Redmond: ~ / src $ scp / github
satyan @ redmond: add ~ / src $ git github
Satyan @ Redmond: ~ / src $ git commit -m "Microsoft announced in June that it
> Git was purchasing repository and collaboration platform GitHub
> $ 7.5 billion in stock. That acquisition has received all the necessary
> Regulatory approval and now before, Net Friedman has completed
> Zamorin will play the role of Guit Hub CEO on Monday.
> The news of acquisition sent waves through the open source world,
> As the ghost has become a great source
> Projects We Argue
> Essentiality and all the potential sweaters, Microsoft was the best
> A goal and shared interest at that time Friedman
> Demanded to assure relevant open source developers
> GitHub to improve even though
> Make the trust of the Git Hub community that those ideas were repeated
> Today
> Since then, Microsoft has joined a patent open search network
> Cross-licensing group which promises royalty-free license
> Which applies to the Linux kernel or other open source package.
> It is a bold move that prevents REDMand from emphasizing heavily.
> Patents against Android and this should mean that the company will no longer be
> Get royalty from smartphone manufacturers
> The sources close to this matter tell us that Microsoft's decision to join
> OIN was not operated in any small part by Gitihab acquisition. Is god
> Already a member of OIN, who has left Microsoft with just a few options:
> Take back the pin from OIN, a step that will essentially offset
> Source world; GuitHub receives some type of arm's length subsidiary company
> As if the OIN liability of Guitbah could not possibly be implemented
> Microsoft; Or join the OIN, which is the simplest approach
> Microsoft also made bold
> Third option. "
[Microsoft-acquisition baadf00d] Microsoft announced ...
1 file changed, billions of entries (+), 0 delete (-)
satyan @ redmond: ~ / src $ git Checkout-Microsoft-Corp
Switch to 'Microsoft-Corp' branch
satyan @ Redmond: ~ / src $ git Microsoft-Acquisition Merge
Updating Cafef00d..baadf00d
Fast moving
Billions of files | Arab +++++++++++++
satyan @ Redmond: ~ / src $ git branch -d Microsoft-Acquisition
During his earnings a few days ago, Microsoft's officials had promised that the $ 7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub Code Store would be closed soon.
They were not joking - the company announced today that it has officially been a deal and it has finally been completed, another example of the company being developed on a large scale under CEO Nadeela, except for the other things, It has been embraced for Windows and loud emphasis; Embraced the open source; And along with the professional social network Linkedin, now with some big acquisitions, including the buttocks.
Do not lose
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Truth nadella
I am thrilled to welcome Guitbhat with Microsoft, we will become a platform for developers and trust by organizations.
@ Microsoft
This official @titheb is now part of Microsoft family companies New Github CEO @ Netfridman shares his plans for GitHub, which is open, developer-better and better than earlier: 10 -26-Github-end-Microsoft / ...
Net Friedman CEO New Github started to go through some details about the announcement in the blog post, with the fact that the company has made its software developers 31 million, which is over 28 million this summer. This was disclosed and news from Microsoft was not given any doubt, because in June it was announced for the first time that some developers were threatening to leave Microsoft to take ownership.
In his post, Friedman said that he has spent a few months meeting with hundreds of developers because he had prepared for his new role. He wrote, "Passion for Github is amazing - in both areas where we are excellent and in those areas where you want us to do more."
"I have learned a lot from these conversations, and listening to our customers will be the main part of how GitHub works as a company." Their purpose is that they have guided the development of the community,
it is the best place to run communities and teams; Making it more accessible to developers around the world; And focus on reliability, security, and performance.
He wrote, "We will start focusing on the daily experience of using Github and our paper cut will double the project." "We will improve key scenarios such as search, notifications, issues/projects, and our mobile experience. And of course, we are excited to make GitHub actions widely available."
Since Ars Technica has noted in one piece today, reports of the Microsoft-GitHub acquisition sent Shockwave to the open source world this summer, thanks to GuitHub, is home to many open-source projects but the site argued that Microsoft might be the best sweetness was due to the general goals and interests of both institutions.
Open Source Developers were assured at the time that Microsoft would be a responsible parent, and Friedman's post still makes a single point today.