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Halloween (2018) The Horror movie you should watch this weekend full review here download link download hd

Satisfying the horror sequel has tons of blood, strong language.

What Parents Should Know

Parents need to know that the same name is the 1978 Slasher film which ignores every second sequence and reboots (all nine of them). Survivor Laurie Stroud (Jamie Lee Curtis), 

now a grandmother is preparing herself in the brain alone, who will be masked killer Michael Myers again for her. Spoiler Warning: She expects graphics, very deep slaughter violence and strong language ("F -- K," "S--T," etc.) throughout the film. 

Cruel killings include rings, slashing, imbalance, headache, blood type, etc. Short nudity, teenage sexuality, and some drink/medicines are also used by both adults and teens. The film is directed by Indy Star David Gordon Green and co-written by Green and Danny McBride. Will Patten and Judy Greer co-stars.

What's the Story?

Just 40 years after the genocide in Halloween in 1978, killer Michael Myers (Nick Castle / James Judd Courtney) continued his silent imprisonment. And the survivor Laurie Stroud (Jamie Lee Curtis) continues her single brain preparation for her return. 

Laurie's married daughter, Karen (Judy Greer), thinks she's the granddaughter of the crazy Lorry, Alison (Andy Mattich), wants to solve the family's rift, and Michael finally gets her blade (and hammer, and poker, and whatever ) Ready to speak. happy Halloween!

Is that good?

Although it does not retrieve the 1978 power in a bottle to a great extent, this sequence has been made the best of the series in nearly every way, it makes Halloween real memorable, as well as large-scale On film production represents upgrading.

 Director David Gordon Green creates scary tension while walking through the background through dangerous backgrounds with angles and blurred figures of the camera. 

The characters and relationships are actually considered and, wisely, the number of franchise entries has been rejected from two to nine, while the end has been changed so that Michael was captured. Curtis' Lorry, 40 years later, is a self-medicinal sufferer of PTSD.

 But instead of going into a catatonic shell, he has been honored with a rock-hard, change like a realistic Sarah Connor to become a survivor who ever stops watching on his shoulder.

In the co-written form of the co-writers of Holiday and Danny MacBride, the Halloween franchise and metal tones (like a child does not say to his beloved daddy to go upstairs to see if there was a killer or not: " Dave first! ").

 Fans have appreciated the shot well, Michael is actually played by the 1978 actor (and a stuntman). In the 'unnecessary' 80s PJ Jell's Souls, who originally met a deep end, is a camouflage. 

Do not make any mistake, though: this movie is just horrible, and its violence is extreme. But this Michael, though impossible to sneak, is not the exact monster of sequels. She is hurt, she can be slowed down, and intelligence can work effectively against her.

 And, perhaps the film's most important break from the tradition of the film, female characters - while men are the most intelligent and strongest in the film by the male stacker. It's scary, stress, fun; Violent as hell; And the lower feminist this alternative-cosmos-sequence takes its place among the more respectable entries in the Halloween slaughter style.

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